View Full Version : Ever since they changed this site

09-12-2006, 06:57 PM
:mad: Ever since they changed this site the functionality of viewing and downloading maps has got to the shitter> I used to come here all the time to download some of the best maps and now all we get is blank maps that dont even work, did they have a management change or something?:mad:

09-14-2006, 04:21 PM
I have the same trouble. I have tried downloading the maps but only get blank ones when I get into EQ.

09-15-2006, 06:49 PM
We are working on a new version at this time. We don't think it will be done by Tuesday, but you never know.

As far as your blank maps go, can you be more specific? Which map is it you are seeing as blank. I just downloaded the zip and the only blank files in there are some layer 2 ones. Which zone are you having an issue with?

Are you zoomed all the way out? is your heightfilter turned off? Did you try changing the color of your background? Some folks like to make their maps in solid black and they are invisible on a black background.

09-15-2006, 07:19 PM
I saw this thread and just thought i'd let you know I downloaded the all maps package and the MPG map was blank last night when i was running through....thats the only one i remember atm that really surprised me

09-15-2006, 08:51 PM
Hmm. I just checked and the MPG maps we have aren't blank. The one in the download appears fine. Can you verify the one in the zip file you downloaded last night has lines in the provinggrounds file?

09-20-2006, 07:29 PM
I couldn't agree more Dan. I can't bring up the maps at all on Mapfiend. I tried today, Sep. 20. I wanted the maps for the new expansion, but no luck. Very frustrating! Presumably, this will get fixed eventually, but until then . . . who knows.

09-21-2006, 10:55 AM
In order for us to help you, you also need to help us. Please include more information with exactly what the problem is.

If you can't access the maps on the site, what browser are you using?

Which maps are blank?

Any information you can provide about the problems you are having would make our jobs easier.

Theresa Bernal
09-21-2006, 09:21 PM
I have been trying for 2 hours now and if the new maps exist, where are they? If I have to redownload all of the maps please say so and I will do that but all I need are the 3 new areas.

09-21-2006, 09:34 PM
Map packs. SS.

09-25-2006, 01:14 PM
Just an FYI - something I noticed last night: I was making my own maps of some of the new zones and found that, if I opened the Atlas portion of the map window and opened the zone map from there (Antonica->North Central->Blightfire Moor, etc.) ...it was blank. My first thought was !$@%#$@%^, all that work lost, but I tried to zone out and back in, which brought back my map with contents. This is repeatable. (I still need to /bug report it in-game.) All of which just says, the problem *may* be on Sony's side (No!, Really?) and how EQ manages selecting and displaying map file contents

09-27-2006, 05:27 PM
Here's a specific, text layer 1 , 2 and 3 for Blighted Moors, all are blank, all download as 0 KB as a file when you extract them.

10-03-2006, 07:34 PM
I'm having similar issues with the downloads from this site of late (with certain maps coming up blank), dating back to the last expansion. For example, I haven't had a working map of Arcstone since PoR first came out. And now with this latest expansion, I can't get a working map of Blightfire Moors. The adjoining zones come in fine--I have working maps of the newly revamped West Freeport and of Crescent Reach. But my map of Highold Pass, which has always worked, is now blank as of these latest downloads. And I've downloaded the individual map files and the corresponding map packs when I was getting nowhere with the all-in-one package.

P.S. You can now add Goru'kar Mesa to the list of maps that are blank. I've even gone as far as deleting all of the map files and downloading them again from scratch and nothing.

P.S.S. Okay, I'm a moron. Putting the map files in the folder titled MAPS helped tremendously...duh. Maps working fine ingame now...sorry.