View Full Version : The Forum Hodgepodge for September 23rd

09-23-2009, 04:53 PM

Check out these interesting threads and many others on the EQLive Official Forums (http://www.mapfiend.net/forum/../../eq)…

EverQuest Trivia # 413 (http://www.mapfiend.net/forum/list.m?topic_id=155792) - posted by yaddab, winner of EverQuest Trivia #412

What is important in gear? (http://www.mapfiend.net/forum/list.m?topic_id=155744) - Discussion started by Community Member Zanderon

The recent MM gear debates have really brought to light the difference in how people who group and raid view gear.

For example, on the group level it seems casters are paying more attention to mana on gear than anything else. As a raiding enchanter, I pay attention to focii first, then mods/heroics, then ac (I like to live through aggro, so sue me), then HP, then mana last. Of course everyone has a different play style, but with today's content it seems that hp/mana are the least important stats on gear.

So what content do you play in, and what do you look for most?

Augment Slot 3 (http://www.mapfiend.net/forum/list.m?topic_id=155810) - Discussion started by Community Member Ruleras

I recently discovered a Loping Plains vendor that has some great (very expensive) augments that go in slot 3.

Is there a table or reference sheet that can tell me what items use slot 3? or other aug slots as well?

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=155818&post_id=2292300#2292300)