View Full Version : Re:Re:Giants Giants Giants

08-14-2009, 12:40 PM
Fanra wrote:

Still hoping for an answer to:

1.) If you die in an instance during this task, I assume that it will be fixed soon so you can hail the guy in PoK to get back in. However, if you don't want to go back to rez your corpses (or you can't), will your corpses pop out somewhere sooner or later, or do you have to summon them to guild lobby? If they do pop out, where and how long before they do so?

2.) Hailing Distribution Facilitator XCV has him give me a new Abacus after I clicked the old one to make an aug. The aug I currently have (I plan on killing more to get a better one) says, "You must use the solvent Class XVII Augmentation Distiller to remove this augment safely." Is there a reason I can't just destroy the aug and have the Distribution Facilitator XCV give me another one and save thousands of plats? I would like to know before I destroy the aug in the future and suddenly find out that a stealth nerf has made it impossible for me to get another because someone at SOE "fixed" this "exploit".

Thank you.

1) The fix for this should already be live (it was hotfixed last night).

2) Like all of the other "clicky" augs, you can spend ten platinum to destroy your existing one and get a new one from the abacus. This isn't an exploit and hasn't been since they were introduced last year.

More... (http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=154308&post_id=2263005#2263005)